Spencer Cody
teaches: Earth Science, Life Science, Physical Science, Conceptual Chemistry, Conceptual Physics, Biology, Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, and Physics; grades 6-12
experience: 17 years
I want to join this cohort because I know with this training that I can make a big impact in my state. While I bring experience to the table, I would also benefit tremendously from this program in areas where I am lacking. I have vast experience in developing curriculum and disseminating it on a large scale in many content areas running teacher institutes, PD, presentations, and workshops at conferences all over the country while finding innovative ways to fund these initiatives through my extensive grant writing. I have the proven ability to take what I learn and am able to develop PD reaching out to a wide audience. However, I have not done much in developing curriculum with non-specialty crops: corn, beans, sunflowers, etc. I want to work with a program focused on developing curriculum centered on our local producers in my school district, and this program is key to that goal.
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